
Supermarket Dent-Fest

Things were going great, the sun was shining, you were having coffee with a new guy. Your hair was perfect, your lipstick stayed off your teeth all morning and your shoes were spectacular. The date went really well and it may be something that will last. It was shaping up to be the (almost) perfect day. As you walked out of the coffee shop, the supermarket parking lot where your new red Camaro is parked

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The Inclement Texas Weather That Loves To Dent Your Car

It doesn’t take much to know how huge Texas is. As the second biggest state in the US, there are ! Which anyone who has tried to drive from Dallas to El Paso probably already knew. With a vast landscape that includes peaks and mountains, as well as the shores of the Gulf of Mexico, the possibilities for inclement weather are seemingly endless. At Dent Mechanic Group, we have a highly trained team of professionals

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The Facts On PDR

So much of what we do at Dent Mechanic Group involves Paintless Dent Repair, commonly referred to as “PDR.” Yet many people are unaware of the skills and process required of repairing a dented car. As we’ve touched on in other , storms, especially those involving hail, are a common cause of cars receiving dents. No matter where your car’s dent came from, Paintless Dent Repair is essential in helping your car return right back

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The Worst Hailstorms In History

Texas gets its fair share of storms and hail, and our cars are unfortunately the ones who often suffer. Hail is normally thought of as a byproduct of a storm, a crazy example of weird things that can come from the sky. It’s a nuisance, and you’re definitely not about to play a game of catch when golf ball-sized chunks of ice are plummeting down, but it passes quickly enough and the damage is repaired.

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What Is Paintless Dent Repair?

ALL YOUR PAINTLESS DENT REPAIR QUESTIONS ANSWERED Most motorists think experts can’t repair dents in their motor vehicle without a paint filler. But there is an alternative form of repair called paintless dent repair. With paintless dent repair, a mechanic can restore the body of your car in a few quick steps. Read on to learn about paintless dent repair, how it works, and the reasons to consider it for your next ding or dent.

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Protecting Your Car From Hail Damage

The weather in the Dallas – Fort Worth area can be unpredictable, but there is one thing we can count on: hail storms, and lots of them. Our storms are events to be remembered, bringing a green sky and inflicting major damage over the area. Cars, houses, and large structures bear the brunt of the relentless beatings, and Dent Mechanic sees its fair share of damaged vehicles. HAIL DETAILS Size – Hail can be small,

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3 Best Ways To Repair Hail Damage In Dallas

Texas is sometimes referred to as hail alley due to its . seems to be a magnet for these as it has been experiencing at least three hail storms annually since . Although there are ways to from hail damage in Dallas, there’s nothing you can do when Mother Nature comes raining hard, fast hail on your car while on the road. The bright side is that you don’t have to live with the damage

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If you need body damage repaired on your vehicle, including hail damage
and accidental dents, we can provide paintless dent repair to return
your automobile’s body back to it’s former glory.

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