
So, When is Hail Season in Texas?

Texas is the #1 state with the most hail claims paid for auto and home insurance with a staggering $474.6 million in losses and an average of 688 hail events per year. Hail damage can be devastating to any car owner, but with research and choosing the right body shop, repairs can be painless for both you and your wallet. When cold air from the Northeast and Midwest combines with the moisture flowing in from

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Does it Pay to Repair Hail Damage?

Hail damage is a common issue for many car owners, but does it pay to repair it? Paintless dent repair (PDR) is a cost-effective method for repairing hail damage without needing to repaint the affected areas. In this blog post, we’ll explore the cost of hail damage repairs, when it is best to get your car repaired, and the risk of a total loss claim if you choose not to repair. Read on to find

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What to Do When Your Car Suffers Hail Damage

If your car has been damaged by a hail storm, you may be wondering what to do next. Hail damage can cause significant cosmetic damage to the body and hood of your car, but the good news is that there are many options available to help you repair it. Paintless dent repair is one of the most popular methods used to repair hail damage, as it can restore your car to its original condition without

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Hail-Damaged Fleet Vehicles? We’ll Repair them and Keep your Business on the Road.

Getting your fleet repaired is never convenient. Taking vehicles off the road for any reason affects so many things, not the least of which is your bottom line. You’d never pull all your vehicles out of circulation at once – that could be a disaster. We have a plan just for you that’s cost-effective and efficient. Damage to your vehicles is damage to your brand. No one likes to see damaged vehicles, especially customers. It

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Leased Fleet Vehicles: Repairing Hail Damage vs. Returning Damaged

The quick answer? Absolutely. It’s true. If you return your damaged leased fleet vehicles without performing any repairs, you’ll very likely pay more than if you had repaired them. You see, the leasing company can inflate the damage deduction for their own resale purposes, meaning you’ll either pay more, or lose more equity when it’s time to return those vehicles. You’re pretty much at their mercy. You can avoid those extra costs easily by getting

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What if I File a Hail Damage Claim and Keep the Money?

What if I file a hail damage claim and keep the money? As crazy as it sounds, more than a few people have done this in the past.  It may sound tempting, but here are a few reasons why it’s not a good idea. First, is this Fraud? No, this is technically not fraud if a) you own the car and b) the insurance company gives you the money instead of giving it straight to

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How Is Automotive Hail Damage Repair Free?

If you live in an area that commonly experiences hail storms, you know how devastating the damage to your vehicle can be. Hail causes dents and dings that may or may not be visible to the eye, but can cause damage on the inside that requires repair to prevent further problems down the road. But wherever you live, it’s smart to get your vehicle hail damage repaired as soon as possible, rather than waiting until

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Hail Claim Basics: How Car Insurance Covers Hail Damage

Hail damage happens when large chunks of ice, often weighing more than a pound each, fall from the sky and hit your car. In many places, hail can cause serious damage to your vehicle and other property, but it’s important to remember that you’re covered if you have auto insurance. Find out how your car insurance covers hail damage in this guide to hail claim basics! Does Auto Insurance Cover Hail Damage? Yes, auto insurance

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Hail Damage: What To Do Next?

Hail damage repair can be challenging, especially when it comes to dents on your car body and hood. While most vehicles can be easily fixed using paintless dent repair, not everyone knows the next best steps to take to ensure the quickest and best quality repair. If your car has been damaged by hail, you’ll need to consult with a body shop like Dent Mechanic Group. We use high-quality tools and equipment to handle your

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Hail Damaged Cars – Everything You Need To Know

Dealing with hail damage can be very daunting. Sometimes it’s tempting to just give up on the car and write it off, but there are simpler options that can save you thousands of dollars in the long run. If you want to get the most out of your money (and really — who doesn’t?), then it may be worth looking at fixing that hail damage on your car. We’ve outlined everything you need to know

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If you need body damage repaired on your vehicle, including hail damage
and accidental dents, we can provide paintless dent repair to return
your automobile’s body back to it’s former glory.

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