
Dent Mechanic Repairs

The Facts On PDR

So much of what we do at Dent Mechanic Group involves Paintless Dent Repair, commonly referred to as “PDR.” Yet many people are unaware of the skills and process required of repairing a dented car. As we’ve touched on in other , storms, especially those involving hail, are a common cause of cars receiving dents.

No matter where your car’s dent came from, Paintless Dent Repair is essential in helping your car return right back to normal. Call us at Dent Mechanic Group today for a !

Back in , Oskar Flaig was seemingly just another employee of Mercedes-Benz. Specifically, his work involved fixing up the showroom cars that would be on display for the public. Since people would be touching and interacting with the cars throughout the day, Flaig was responsible for fixing up scratches and dents after all the visitors left. He originally got rid of a small dent using the handle of a hammer, and was pleased with the results. It seemed to be an effective way of getting rid of a dent, with minimal work needing to be done to the car.

After the positive results, Flaig started to develop initial technology to improve the dents he came across. Over time, he continued to improve his dent-fixing technology, to the point of where it evolved into PDR that is still practiced today. His technology helped car owners collectively save millions; thanks Oskar Flaig!

PDR can be implemented by highly trained specialists, who understand the methods for pushing the metal of a car back to its original form. They are able to push the metal back either directly with the dent as it is, or they can remove paneling as needed. This is definitely something for a trained professional! PDR can fix dents that range from tiny to large, and on practically any models after 1990.

In an , PDR is discussed as being particularly useful for damage and dents caused by hail storms. As the article states, “PDR is so effective for hail damage that some insurance companies use ‘hail teams’ that ‘chase hail.’ These teams travel to an area that was hit by hail to repair vehicle damage using PDR techniques.” Dent Mechanic Group is proud to have specialists trained in , and we are fully equipped to handle what storms may come your way.

The price for dent repair largely depends on the size of a dent. A general guideline for an estimate can show an average of to fix a dent, but this again is only an estimate and a variable. The best thing to do is work with a company such as Dent Mechanic Group, where we promise a free estimate to fully assess the damage. Work with us, and you will not have to worry about paying anything until you decide to.

As Texans, we know that hail is an inevitable part of life, and it can be an unfortunate event for our cars. However, a hail storm does not have to mean the end of the world! Paintless Dent Repair is an incredible method for fixing dents, and Dent Mechanic Group has an incredible team to take care of you and your car. for a free estimate today!


If you need body damage repaired on your vehicle, including hail damage
and accidental dents, we can provide paintless dent repair to return
your automobile’s body back to it’s former glory.

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